Our Work

Optimize your marketing strategy.

Choose from one of our carefully crafted packages. Not sure if what you want will fit in one of these packages? Contact us or ask for a quote today.

Quick 'n Nerdy~ $2,900 Logo, business cards, custom template & seo friendly website.
Text 'n Tweet~ $7,000 Real-time text-to-screen SMS or Twitter campaigns.
Rub-a-DubDubDub~ $6,000 Full website design and development, e-mail template, banner-ad.

Branding 101~ $2,200 Logo, business cards, letterhead and feature element.
The Whole Enchillada~ $8,000 Logo, business cards, custom website, e-mail template, banner-ad, Google Analytics & AdWords.
Mobile Ap-petite~ $6,500 Presentation-style mobile application for ipad, android or blackberry devices.